Work With BEE NATURAL CLEANINGGreat Pay & Flexible HoursOpportunity to Grow Please complete and submit the form below for employment consideration with Bee Natural Cleaning. PERSONAL INFORMATION Please note that information you enter is stored on our server.Name* First Last Phone*Email* Preferred Contact Type* Phone Email Which city do you live in?*Do you live within a 30-minute drive of Georgetown, TX?* Yes No If no, feel free to provide more information here.Can you provide proof that you are eligible to work in the U.S.?* Yes No Are you over the age of 18? Due to insurance limitations, we must require all employees to be over the age of 18.* Yes Not Yet Are you willing to take a pre-employment criminal background check?* Yes No How did you hear about us?Do you have full-time access to a smart phone?* Yes No Do you have your own car with full-time access?* Yes No Is the vehicle covered by insurance and can you provide proof of insurance?* Yes No House cleaning can be tiring - do you feel confident that you can continuously bend, kneel, twist, and lift 20 lbs consistently throughout the day?* Yes! I can perform consistently at my best! I'm not sure yet Are you allergic to dust, dander, or household pets?* Yes - I do have allergies No Do you feel this might prevent you from doing the necessary tasks? Yes No Are you severely allergic to cleaning chemicals (like bleach or Comet)??* Yes - I do have allergies No Do you feel this might prevent you from doing the necessary tasks? Yes No Do you have a fear of cats or dogs? Many of our clients have pets so we want to know your comfort level.* Yes No Section BreakAvailable start date:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Do you have at least 1 year of residential/home cleaning experience?* Yes No Are you looking for part-time or full-time work?* Select All Full-time - more than 30 hours per week Part-time - less than 30 hours per week What is the longest you've worked at a job?* Less than 1 year 1+ years Do you have any obligations that would prevent you from being available Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm?* Yes - I'd like to talk No Salary requirements:Are you willing to provide us with work references at the interview?* Yes - I can provide you with work references No - I'd rather not If we're available, would you be willing to do an over-the-phone interview immediately after submitting your application?* Yes - I am available now for a phone interview Not at the moment Section BreakEMPLOYMENT HISTORY Do not leave this section blank, even if you submit a resume. We understand if you don't have exact dates in front of you, we just want a rough idea of your previous employment. Please fill out this section as best you can.Current or most recent employer:Position:Length of Employment:Resume?Max. file size: 512 MB.Section BreakBy submitting this online employment application, you certify that your answers are true and complete to the best of your knowledge. If this application leads to employment, you understand that false or misleading information in your application or interview may result in your employment being terminated.Consent:* I agree to the statement above:CAPTCHA